Touch Me Not Restaurants - Pandemic Social Distacing around the World

Whether you call them "shield pods" or "plastic lampshades," restaurants are considering this contraption built by a French designer

Burger King in Germany designed social-distancing crowns

The crowns are were debuted at a Burger King in Germany. 

Each cardboard crown has a 6-foot diameter so customers are reminded to social distance. 

"The do-it-yourself social distance crown was a fun and playful way to remind our guests to practice social distancing while they are enjoying food in the restaurants," said a Burger King representative.

Christophe Gernigon designed the Plex'Eat to shield individuals from infecting each other while enjoying food and beverage. 

Currently, the plastic lampshades are being used at H.A.N.D., a restaurant in Paris, France.

Colourful pool noodle hats gave people relief, pleasantries and a way to socially distance themselves at a café in Germany.