गुरतेज की दास्ताँ सुनेंगे तो सीना फक्र से चौड़ा हो जाएगा

The Chinese don’t like the Sikhs, their war cry ‘Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal’ (which means one will be blessed eternally who says that God is the ultimate truth) frightens them. Their huge frames with long hair and beard frightens the clean shaven slick looking Chinese.


On the night of 15th-16th June, 2020, the 16th Bihar Regiment troops faced a murderous and treacherous unprovoked Chinese assault, taking heavy casualties. They found critical support from the gunners of the 3 Punjab's Ghatak Platoon.
The valiant Khalsas launched a barehanded counter-attack with their trademark blood curling war cries about an hour after the Bihar Regiment troops had got embroiled in the savage hand-to-hand combat. They had to fight with sticks, bare hands, rocks and with weapons snatched from the Chinese soldiers.


The Sikhs went straight for the jugular, attacking a ‘senior looking officer' protected by six Chinese guards.
“They killed all the six guards and dragged the senior officer by the scruff of his neck in a bloody fight lasting for 30 minutes,” said an eye-witness of the 16th Bihar Regiment. "They fought like men possessed, smashing Chinese heads with rocks and slashing them with swords snatched from the Chinese.” 
Other Chinese troops in the vicinity fled or stayed away, in sheer fright. Two Sikh gunners died when struck by swords but one of them strangled a Chinese to death in the squeeze of his massive biceps , all along shouting ‘Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal.”


 Among them was 3 Punjab's Ghatak Platoon's, Gurtej Singh. He fought against all the odds and despite losing his own life for it, took down 12 Chinese soldiers. The Medium Arty regiment's Sikh gunners rushed out to help to carry their customary kirpan and an assortment of sticks, rods and sharp knives only.
Sources from the military state that four Chinese soldiers attacked Singh. He swung around two of them, and as two others tried to pin him down, he dragged all four of them towards the cliff and flung them over. He lost his balance though and slipped. But he got stuck in a boulder that stopped his free fall.
Though he was injured severely in the neck and head, he rewrapped his turban and pulled himself back to the fight. He used his kirpan to fight more soldiers until he could snatch a sharp weapon from a Chinese soldier. He further took down seven Chinese soldiers making the tally to 11 before one stabbed him from behind. But before going down, he killed his final 12th enemy with his kirpan too.