Bad news: Scientists think a coronavirus vaccine might not work

The earliest estimates are that a successful, viable coronavirus vaccine could make it to the finish line and be ready for introduction into the general population by the end of this year.

For the nearly 19 million people around the world who've contracted COVID-19 thus far during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the millions more taking so many precautions to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from the COVID-19 virus, a coronavirus vaccine can't come fast enough. Indeed, the promise of ending this thing, and of getting to whatever's on the other side of the pandemic, can be summed in one word for those people and for all of us, really: A vaccine.

Change wouldn't happen overnight in terms of an impact on the coronavirus pandemic, however. Getting everyone vaccinated will represent a major logistical challenge. Even so, there are concerns that a coronavirus vaccine won't even work or will provide little protection to at least one group of people — the obese.