What happened to cause Narendra Modi to 'stammer' in front of the entire world?

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi found himself embarrassed on Monday after a teleprompter malfunction left him confused, forced him to stammer and abruptly stop his public address at the World Economic Forum.

After then, Prime Minister Modi was taken aback. He motioned for the teleprompter to be fixed by the folks present. The teleprompter resembles a television on which the script is displayed. That is, the teleprompter dictates what you should say.

The PM gets upset and asks World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab whether the voice is coming. Chairman Claus says there is a voice, thousands of people are listening to you, you speak. But due to the bad teleprompter of PM Modi, he has difficulty in reading. But as soon as the teleprompter is fixed, PM Modi starts his address. He addressed the World Economic Forum for about half an hour. And in the seventh minute the teleprompter broke down.

The opposition began hitting PM Modi as soon as the video became viral. This, according to Congresswoman Radhika Khera, is why the Prime Minister does not hold press conferences.

One thing was demonstrated by this episode: Those who thought the Prime Minister was a gifted orator learned today that he does not talk by himself but rather reads what has been written. The most important point is that when the machine stopped working for some reason, he began stammering on a venue like the World Economic Forum, unable to say anything about India to anybody else - and to in his native language 'Hindi'.