In Relationships - Build Bridges Not Walls

When we communicate with others in the way that is comfortable for them, they understand us better and feel understood. When people are understood, they are open, curious, willing to listen, and forgiving. This is where we build bridges instead of walls.

Here are three things you can do to build a bridge instead of a wall:

1. Don't Interrupt. When someone is saying something you don't agree with, or making a statement that makes your skin crawl; don't interrupt them. By interrupting, you are being the wall, refusing to hear what they have to say. Interruptions are seen as aggressive and rude. Let them finish their statement and then follow the next two steps.

2. Stay calm. Whatever the disagreement or difference in opinions; it is not personal. Don't take it personally, and don't make it personal. In a perfect world, we would not launch insults or hate because someone has a different perspective. Unfortunately, it is the way it is. Be the voice of reason, stay calm, don't take it personally and hopefully others will follow your suit.

3. Set Boundaries. There are some subjects that will just be off the table for discussion.