Runaway cows escape in California

About 40 cows escaped and wandered through the US town of Pico Rivera.

Eventually they were captured by police deputies and ranchers - but not without causing some chaos.

Runaway cows escape California meatpacking plant

This picture is originally on BBC

Gulon Mein Rang Bhare - Tanya Wells | Urdu ghazal by Faiz

ब्रिटिश कलाकार तान्या वेल्स का पांच साल पुराना वीडियो... लेकिन मैंने इसे आज पहली बार सुना।

कितनी नज़ाकत है इनकी आवाज़ में। इसने आज की सुबह ही बदल दी... अगर यही वैश्वीकरण है, तो इसे आगे बढ़ाइए...

Five year old video of British artist Tanya Wells... but I heard it for the first time today.

There is so much intensity & beauty in her voice. It changed this morning for me... if this is globalization, then let's carry it forward!


Tanya Wells sings Faiz's Gulon Mein Rang Bhare, an Urdu ghazal written by Faiz and originally sung by Mehdi Hassan.

Corn is Good for Bodybuilding

Sweet corn is a variety of maize with a high sugar content. Sweet corn is the result of a naturally occurring recessive mutation in the genes which control conversion of sugar to starch inside the endosperm of the corn kernel. 

Maize, also known as corn, is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago.

Super Cute Birds - Dawlish Black Swan Cygnets Entering the Water in Dawlish

These Black Swan Cygnets were born at the start of October 2019 and this is them entering the water in their first week. They are super cute now and nearly 2 months old. All 5 are doing really well.

Dawlish is also known for its black swans, introduced from Western Australia, which live with other exotic waterfowl in a small urban sanctuary on Dawlish Brook. There are several attractions in and around the town, such as beaches, safari mini-golf, a waterfowl center, a leisure center with a pool, a countryside park, and the Dawlish Museum.

Dawlish is a small town full of independent shops and businesses in England, United Kingdom.

A 50 years old Artistic Fork Factory in Korea

Dinner Forks of Top Food Grade Stainless Steel Silverware: Forks, Table Forks, Flatware Forks, 8 Inches.


They are manufactured with Mirror Finish & are dishwasher safe. Buyers may use them for home, kitchen or restaurant.

What Went Wrong With California's High-Speed Railway

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced in 2019 that he was curtailing plans to construct a statewide high-speed rail system – instead only completing the Merced to Bakersfield section for which funding is already in hand and construction is underway – leaves a lot of people wondering if the failure of this project in the richest state in the U.S. means that high-speed rail is doomed to failure throughout America.

It promised to transform how Californians travel but is now seen as a "bullet train to nowhere." This is why America's west coast megaproject has been far from high-speed.


Spain: Motorway - Roads & Highways built from Waste Paper

सीमेंट जितनी मजबूत है कागज से बनी ये सड़क

स्पेन में रद्दी कागज की राख से सड़क बनाई जा रही है. अब तक इस काम में सीमेंट का इस्तेमाल होता था लेकिन उसमें बहुत ज्यादा कार्बन उत्सर्जन होता है. कागज की राख वाली सड़क कार्बन उत्सर्जन और कचरे का ढेर दोनों घटाएगी.


This road made of paper is as strong as cement. In Spain, a road is being built from the ashes of scrap paper. Till now cement was used in this work but it has a lot of carbon emissions. The paper ash road will reduce both carbon emissions and waste dumps.

Harvesting Wind with Energy producing Kites

बिजली बनाने का यह तरीका कल्पना से बहुत अलग है

ग्रीन इकोनॉमी के लिए ऊर्जा बनाने के टिकाऊ तरीके अहम हैं. सूरज, पानी और हवा जैसे अक्षय ऊर्जा के स्रोत इस वक्त हमारे विकल्प हैं. लेकिन इस दिशा में और काम करने की जरूरत है ताकि ये बेहतर भी बनें और सस्ते भी. बर्लिन की एक स्टार्टअप कंपनी पवन ऊर्जा का इस्तेमाल कर रही है लेकिन ये हमारी विंड फॉर्म की कल्पना से बहुत ही अलग है.

पवन लंबे समय से अक्षय ऊर्जा स्रोत रहा है, लेकिन बर्लिन का एक स्टार्ट-अप चीजों को थोड़ा अलग तरीके से कर रहा है। इसने पवन ऊर्जा की कटाई के लिए ऊर्जा पतंग विकसित की है और वे पवन टरबाइन की तुलना में बहुत अधिक कुशल हो सकती हैं।


Sustainable ways of making energy are important for a green economy. Renewable energy sources like the sun, water and wind are our options at the moment. But more work needs to be done in this direction so that they become better as well as cheap. A Berlin-based startup company is using wind energy, but it is very different from our wind farm imagination.

Wind has long been a go-to renewable energy source, but one Berlin start-up is doing things a little differently. It's developed energy kites to harvest wind energy and they could be much more efficient than wind turbines.

Boost Your Immunity in 3 Easy Steps

Amidst these difficult times, everyone is trying different techniques to increase their immunity. Have you wondered how you will know if your immunity is actually improving? This video will tell you how to boost your immunity with Satvic lifestyle and easily calculate immunity score by yourself.


There is no blood test in the world that measures our immunity level. While learning the ancient knowledge of nature cure, 8 powerful signs of good immunity have emerged.

Watch this video till the very end to understand why these three steps will help you boost your immunity and protect you and your family.

Karnal's daughter Abhijeet Kaur became DSP in Bihar Police

करनाल की बेटी अभिजीत कौर बनी बिहार पुलिस में DSP 

किरण बेदी की तरह पुलिस ऑफिसर बनना चाहती थी। करनाल की बेटी अभिजीत कौर बनी बिहार पुलिस में DSP. जरूरतमंद परिवारों को इंसाफ दिलाने के लिए बनी DSP.
DSP बनी अभिजीत कौर के माता-पिता सरकारी स्कूल में शिक्षक हैं।


She wanted to be a police officer like Kiran Bedi. Karnal's daughter Abhijeet Kaur became DSP in Bihar Police. Her goal is to bring justice to needy families.

DSP Abhijeet Kaur's parents are teachers in a government school.

Matt Hancock says it's too early to determine whether the UK's lockdown will end on June 21.

According to UK government estimations, the delta version of Covid-19, which was first found in India last month and is now the dominant strain in England, has had a "quite significant" impact, according to Hancock.

He noted a resurgence of Covid-19 instances, but said he was comforted by a relatively flat rate of hospitalizations and deaths as officials explore ways to lift the lockdown.

"It's too early to make a final decision on that," Hancock told Sky News. "The prime minister and I and the team will be looking at all the data over this week. We've said that we'll give people enough time ahead of the June 21 date.

"We are not saying 'No' to June 21 at this point," he added. Hancock said it was important that people receive both doses of Covid-19 vaccines as the data showed this could protect effectively against the delta variant.

Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip: The Royal Tour of India

This segment of Pathé Pictorial covers Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh's visit to India for the first time. They are greeted by Indian President Mr. Rajendra Prasad and Premier Pandit Nehru where they drive through the streets of Delhi to visit the Shrine of Mahatma Gandhi and Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan.

Queen driving to Taj Mahal in an open car - cheering crowd along the road. Queen and Duke visiting Taj Mahal. Various great shots of Taj Mahal and its details. Various shots of the Queen and Duke admiring. Taj Mahal. Queen and Duke have to wear velvet slippers before entering the shrine.

Britain Welcomes the President of India - 1963

An account of the state visit to Britain by the President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, in June 1963. Seems to the best reception of any diplomat from India to the United Kingdom. The arrangements and the fanfare seems to be quite impressive.

Sourced from the National Archives of British Film Institute (BFI).

Need Report Comparing Vaccine Prices In India, Abroad: Supreme Court of India to Central Government

सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने बुधवार शाम को केंद्र को निर्देश दिया कि वह भारत में वर्तमान में उपलब्ध कोविड टीकों की घरेलू और अंतरराष्ट्रीय कीमतों की तुलना करते हुए एक रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत करे। इसने केंद्र को "टीकों की खरीद इतिहास" सहित कई दस्तावेज जमा करने का भी निर्देश दिया। जस्टिस डीवाई चंद्रचूड़, एलएन राव और एस रवींद्र भट की तीन सदस्यीय पीठ ने केंद्र से "डिजिटल डिवाइड" पर भी सवाल उठाया - उन चिंताओं का एक संदर्भ जो लोगों को CoWIN पर पंजीकरण करने की आवश्यकता है, ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में टीकाकरण प्रयासों में बाधा उत्पन्न करेगा, जहां पहुंच तक पहुंच इंटरनेट अविश्वसनीय है। केंद्र को "31 दिसंबर, 2021 तक टीकों की अनुमानित उपलब्धता का रोडमैप रिकॉर्ड पर रखने" के लिए भी कहा गया है। अदालत 30 जून, 2021 को फिर से मामले की सुनवाई करेगी


The Supreme Court on Wednesday evening directed the centre to submit a report comparing domestic and international prices of Covid vaccines currently available in India. It also directed the centre to submit a number of documents, including a complete "purchase history of vaccines". A three-member bench of Justices DY Chandrachud, LN Rao and S Ravindra Bhat also questioned the centre on the "digital divide" - a reference to concerns that requiring people to register on CoWIN would hamper vaccination efforts in rural areas, where access to the internet is unreliable. The centre has also been asked to "place on record a roadmap of projected availability of vaccines till December 31, 2021". The court will take up the case again on June 30, 2021

What is the Risk of getting Diabetes if Corona is Infected?

Corona संक्रमित होने पर Diabetes होने का कितना ख़तरा है?

कोरोना संक्रमितों का इलाज कर रहे विशेषज्ञ इन दिनों संक्रमित लोगों में डायबिटीज़ के मामले देख रहे हैं. विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि उन लोगों में भी डायबिटीज़ देखने को मिला है जिनमें यह पहले से नहीं था. चिकित्सक इसे कोविड-19 से हुई डायबिटीज़ कह रहे हैं. दुनिया भर में कोविड-19 संक्रमण की चपेट में आने के बाद हुए डायबिटीज़ को लेकर अध्ययन चल रहा है. जिन मरीज़ों में डायबिटीज़, हाई ब्लड प्रेशर होता है उनमें कोरोना संक्रमण होने का ख़तरा ज़्यादा होता है. देखिए यह वीडियो.


Experts treating corona infected are seeing cases of diabetes in infected people these days. Experts say that diabetes has also been seen in those people who did not already have it. Doctors are calling it diabetes caused by CoVID-19. There is a study going on around the world regarding diabetes caused by Kovid-19 infection. Patients who have diabetes, high blood pressure are more prone to corona infection. Watch this video.

Happiness of Life

Surgeon Javed Iqbal is the Principal of Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. His YouTube channel, "from knowledge to knowing" shows a lot of his motivational videos.

How to treat Covid-19 Patients at Home

घर पर कोविड-19 मरीजों का इलाज कैसे करें?

द वायर की एडिटर आरफा खानम शेरवानी ने डॉक्टर फहीम यूनुस से कोरोनावायरस संक्रमण के इलाज से जुड़े तमाम जरूरी सवाल पूछे, वैक्सीन और कोरोना से जुड़े ज़रूरी सवालों के जवाब जानने के लिए देखिए यह इंटरव्यू।


The Wire's editor Arfa Khanam Sherwani asked Dr. Faheem Younis all the important questions related to the treatment of coronavirus infection, see this interview to know the answers to the important questions related to the vaccine and corona.

How Safe Are You After Being Vaccinated from CoVID-19 Vaccine?

टीकाकरण के बाद आप कितने सुरक्षित हैं?

द वायर की एडिटर आरफा खानम शेरवानी ने डॉक्टर फहीम यूनुस से कोरोनावायरस संक्रमण के इलाज से जुड़े तमाम जरूरी सवाल पूछे, वैक्सीन और कोरोना से जुड़े ज़रूरी सवालों के जवाब जानने के लिए देखिए यह इंटरव्यू।


How safe are you after vaccination?

The Wire's editor Arfa Khanam Sherwani asked Dr. Faheem Younis all the important questions related to the treatment of coronavirus infection, see this interview to know the answers to the important questions related to the vaccine and corona.

India: MIS-C from COVID-19, what is this 'new disease' happening to children?

 COVID19 से MIS-C , बच्चों को हो रही ये 'नई बीमारी' क्या है?

दुनिया के सबसे मशहूर मेडिकल जर्नलों में से एक 'द लैंसेट' के अनुसार, बच्चों में होने वाला 'मल्टीसिस्टम इनफ़्लामेट्री सिंड्रोम' यानी एमआईएस-सी एक ऐसा गंभीर रोग है जिसे फ़िलहाल कोविड-19 (सार्स-कोविड-2) से जोड़कर देखा जा रहा है.

पेशे से अध्यापक सूरज का पूरा परिवार अमन के बीमार पड़ने से पहले कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित हुआ था. मई, 2021 के दूसरे सप्ताह में ही पूरे परिवार ने इलाज के बाद अपना आइसोलेशन पूरा किया और सभी कोविड की जाँच में नेगेटिव आ गये. कोरोना संक्रमण के दौरान परिवार के बाकी सदस्यों से अलग, अमन को आँखों में इनफ़ेक्शन के अलावा कोई और गंभीर लक्षण नहीं था. अमन की आरटी-पीसीआर रिपोर्ट नेगेटिव थी, लेकिन एंटीबॉडी टेस्ट में अमन के शरीर में पर्याप्त मात्रा में कोविड की एंटीबॉडी मिली थीं. अमन का इलाज कर रहे नवजात एवं बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर अजीत कुमार ने बताया कि "अमन का ईसीजी ख़राब था. उनकी ईको (हृदय की जाँच) रिपोर्ट भी ठीक नहीं थी. कुछ अन्य हेल्थ मार्कर भी हिले हुए थे जिनका इस उम्र में अचानक गड़बड़ाना असामान्य बात है."


MIS-C from COVID19, what is this 'new disease' happening to children?

According to 'The Lancet', one of the world's most famous medical journals, 'Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome' i.e., MIS-C in children is such a serious disease that is currently being linked to COVID-19 (SARS-COVID-2).

 The entire family of Suraj, a teacher by profession, was infected with the Coronavirus before Aman fell ill. In the second week of May 2021 itself, the entire family completed its isolation after treatment and all came negative in the test of Kovid. Unlike the rest of the family during the corona infection, Aman had no more serious symptoms other than eye infection. Aman's RT-PCR report was negative, but in the antibody test, sufficient amount of antibodies of Kovid were found in Aman's body. Ajit Kumar, a neonatologist and pediatrician treating Aman, said that "Aman's ECG was bad. His echo (heart test) report was also not good. Some other health markers were also shaken which suddenly disturbed at this age. It's an unusual thing."