Donald Trump sitting behind a ‘tiny desk’ for Thanksgiving inspires wave of memes online

Trump spoke to reporters sitting alone at a very small desk in a big room and it quickly became a meme.

I like to think that during Trump's presidency, some hero in the White House has slowly swapped Trump's desk for a slightly smaller one, day by day, so he wouldn't notice, till four years later we get to this majestic picture.

May this be how we remember the Trump presidency: a baby at his tiny little desk throwing a tantrum

It bothers me that through all his ridiculous rants, not a single reporter asked why if there is as much fraud as he is describing in multiple states, has he lost in every legal case except one. And Rudy even told a judge it was not a fraud case. No one asked about legal losses!

Some people in America have to stay back *years* in primary school.