India: MIS-C from COVID-19, what is this 'new disease' happening to children?

 COVID19 से MIS-C , बच्चों को हो रही ये 'नई बीमारी' क्या है?

दुनिया के सबसे मशहूर मेडिकल जर्नलों में से एक 'द लैंसेट' के अनुसार, बच्चों में होने वाला 'मल्टीसिस्टम इनफ़्लामेट्री सिंड्रोम' यानी एमआईएस-सी एक ऐसा गंभीर रोग है जिसे फ़िलहाल कोविड-19 (सार्स-कोविड-2) से जोड़कर देखा जा रहा है.

पेशे से अध्यापक सूरज का पूरा परिवार अमन के बीमार पड़ने से पहले कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित हुआ था. मई, 2021 के दूसरे सप्ताह में ही पूरे परिवार ने इलाज के बाद अपना आइसोलेशन पूरा किया और सभी कोविड की जाँच में नेगेटिव आ गये. कोरोना संक्रमण के दौरान परिवार के बाकी सदस्यों से अलग, अमन को आँखों में इनफ़ेक्शन के अलावा कोई और गंभीर लक्षण नहीं था. अमन की आरटी-पीसीआर रिपोर्ट नेगेटिव थी, लेकिन एंटीबॉडी टेस्ट में अमन के शरीर में पर्याप्त मात्रा में कोविड की एंटीबॉडी मिली थीं. अमन का इलाज कर रहे नवजात एवं बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर अजीत कुमार ने बताया कि "अमन का ईसीजी ख़राब था. उनकी ईको (हृदय की जाँच) रिपोर्ट भी ठीक नहीं थी. कुछ अन्य हेल्थ मार्कर भी हिले हुए थे जिनका इस उम्र में अचानक गड़बड़ाना असामान्य बात है."


MIS-C from COVID19, what is this 'new disease' happening to children?

According to 'The Lancet', one of the world's most famous medical journals, 'Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome' i.e., MIS-C in children is such a serious disease that is currently being linked to COVID-19 (SARS-COVID-2).

 The entire family of Suraj, a teacher by profession, was infected with the Coronavirus before Aman fell ill. In the second week of May 2021 itself, the entire family completed its isolation after treatment and all came negative in the test of Kovid. Unlike the rest of the family during the corona infection, Aman had no more serious symptoms other than eye infection. Aman's RT-PCR report was negative, but in the antibody test, sufficient amount of antibodies of Kovid were found in Aman's body. Ajit Kumar, a neonatologist and pediatrician treating Aman, said that "Aman's ECG was bad. His echo (heart test) report was also not good. Some other health markers were also shaken which suddenly disturbed at this age. It's an unusual thing."

When the PM Care Fund ventilator turned out to be bad, the Bombay HC put a huge rebuke to the Modi government, saying - saving the Gujarati company

ख़राब निकले पीएम केयर फंड के वेंटिलेटर तो बॉम्बे HC ने मोदी सरकार को लगाई जमकर फ़टकार, कहा- गुजराती कंपनी को बचा रहे

Out of 150 ventilators of PM Care Fund, 113 were reported to be defective. In this case, the court said that did the Center not consider it appropriate to investigate the matter?

The Aurangabad Bench of Bombay High Court in the matter of bad ventilator has strongly reprimanded the Central Government. The bench said that it seems that your focus is in saving the company of Gujarat more than the lives of the people. The judge said how the company's claims were accepted as they were. You did not even say that this matter should be investigated.

Hospitals had told the court that out of 150 ventilators from PM Care Fund, 113 turned out to be defective. After this, the court asked the central government what are the measures regarding bad ventilators? The lawyer appearing for the Union Health Ministry said that these ventilators were not supplied from the PM Care Fund.

Read the complete article at

This tweet from PUMA made my day!

It was heartbreaking to see Zimbabwe players like this. Anyway, this is beautiful gesture from Puma. You got so many new fans now. You don't have to guess their next pair of shoes.

How many died from Corona in India, 42 lakhs or 3 lakhs?

भारत में Corona से कितने मरे, 42 लाख या 3 लाख?

May 27, 2021: न्यूयॉर्क टाइम्स (New York Times) ने एक आंकलन कर बताया है कि इस साल जनवरी तक भारत में कोविड से मरने वालों (Covid Deaths) की संख्या 42 लाख से भी अधिक हो सकती है. यह केवल दूसरी लहर की गिनती नहीं है. राहुल गांधी (Rahul Gandhi) ने इस खबर का लिंक ट्विटर (Twitter) पर साझा कर दिया तो स्वास्थ्य मंत्री डॉ हर्षवर्धन (Dr Harsh Vardhan) नाराज़ हो गए.

उन्होंने लिख दिया कि लाशों पर राजनीति करना कांग्रेस का स्टाइल है. पेड़ों पर से गिद्ध भले ही लुप्त हो रहे हों, लेकिन लगता है उनकी ऊर्जा धरती के गिद्धों में समाहित हो रही है. राहुल गांधी को दिल्ली से अधिक न्यूयार्क टाइम्स पर भरोसा है. लाशों पर राजनीति करना कोई धरती के गिद्धों से सीखे.

गिद्धों को लेकर स्वास्थ्य मंत्री की जानकारी ठीक नहीं है. उन्हें पता नहीं है कि उन्हीं की सरकार ने गिद्धों को बचाने के लिए पांच साल का एक एक्शन प्लान बनाया है. यह कार्यक्रम 2006 से चल रहा है. स्वास्थ्य मंत्री ने गिद्धों के प्रति जिस घृणा का प्रदर्शन किया है वह अफसोसनाक है.


How many died from Corona in India, 42 lakhs or 3 lakhs?

May 27, 2021: The New York Times has made an assessment that till January this year, the number of COVID Deaths in India can be more than 42 lakhs. It is not just the count of the second wave. When Rahul Gandhi shared the link of this news on Twitter, Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan got annoyed.

He wrote that it is the style of Congress to do politics on corpses. The vultures are disappearing from the trees, but it seems that their energy is being absorbed into the vultures of the earth. Rahul Gandhi trusts the New York Times more than Delhi. Do politics on corpses, learn from the vultures of the earth.

The information of the Health Minister regarding vultures is not correct. They do not know that their government has prepared an action plan of five years to save the vultures. This program has been running since 2006. The hatred the health minister has displayed towards vultures is regrettable.

Assisi and Italian Country Charm

In the Italian countryside, connect with rustic, traditional culture: enjoy an agriturismo (farmhouse inn), see how prosciutto and pecorino cheese are made, and hike to the bottom of deep and ancient wine cellars. 


Then end in Assisi — the hometown of St. Francis — which retains its spiritual aura to this day. Like pilgrims, explore its stony center before trekking to its awe-inspiring basilica, built on the tomb of the beloved saint.

Gigantic Full Moonrise Over Mission Peak Hikers

Full Moonrise over Mission Peak Hikers. It is located in California, USA. The hikers took 7.3 miles round trip with 2145 ft. elevation gain to act as the model in the scene. The photographer captured the time-lapse from 2.37 miles distance.


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Mouse plague deals fresh blow to Australian farmers

Rural Australia has taken a battering over the last few years, with drought, fires and floods - and many farms in New South Wales are now having to deal with a plague of mice.


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