Why are petrol, diesel prices rising in India?

Indians are paying a bomb for fuel despite cheap crude prices

अगर पेट्रोल डीजल के दाम इसी तरह बढ़ते रहे तो जल्द ही इस जुगाड़ की जरूरत सब को पड़ेगी

Retail prices of automobile fuels have reached record highs across the country. Petrol and diesel are taxed heavily in India, and oil price decontrol is a one-way street — the consumer never benefits.

As petrol & diesel prices continue to rise across the country, people of india are paying quadruple price for a litre of petrol compared to its crude price. Here's why.

Indians pay four times for a litre of petrol compared to its crude price, which is only around a litre of packaged drinking water. Taxes, commissions, excise and other charges levied on the end-user ensure that fuel rates do not go down significantly in India even when international crude oil prices are low.
Ideally, retail prices of petrol and diesel in the domestic market are linked to global crude prices. This means if crude prices drop in the international market, then prices in retail should come down as well. But, this is not the case, most of the time.
On the contrary, despite the 13% drop in international crude prices, Indian consumers paid 13% prices (considering the average price of petrol to be Rs. 88 per litre) between January, 2020 and January, 2021.