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You may watch the complete song below:
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Indian Pilots flying Air India CoViD19 rescue flights are at Risk
In a letter seen by the BBC, the Executive Pilots Association, a body that represents senior long-haul pilots of the airline, says they have been given "flimsy" pieces of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that "tear and disintegrate easily on rescue flights".
The letter, which has been sent to the airline and the aviation ministry, adds that "disinfection processes [for aircraft] are short of international industry best practices".
A senior pilot, who did not wish to be identified, told the BBC it is not that the crew "doesn't want to work in these testing times for the country".
"All we are asking is that proper safety procedures should be followed. If we don't have the right PPE and disinfection processes, we are risking the safety of everybody on the plane, our family, and residents of the buildings where we live," he said.
"We are being compared to soldiers and that is very humbling. But you have to give the right gear to your soldiers."
Courtesy: BBC, India Today
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