He wrote himself a $10 million check when he was broke! He manifested his desire by utilizing the "Law of Attraction"

Jim Carrey

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This comedian imagined directors becoming interested in him. Additionally, he made himself a check for $10 million for acting, which he promised to cash on Thanksgiving 1995. It was successful days before. He declared: "I assigned myself three years and issued myself a check for $10 million for acting services provided. I marked it with the date Thanksgiving 1995 and put it in my wallet, where it continued to decay. Then, shortly before Thanksgiving 1995, I learned that "Dumb and Dumber" would bring in $10 million".

He wrote himself a $10 million check when he was broke! These celebrities manifested their desires by utilizing the Law of Attraction...


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With parts in "Dreamgirls," "The Pink Panther," and the "Lion King" remake, Beyoncé has achieved great success in Hollywood in addition to being one of the biggest music artists in the world. The R&B artist told '60 Minutes' that she keeps a photograph of an Academy Award in the room when she runs on the treadmill so she can imagine winning one of the golden statuettes. She hasn't received an Oscar yet, although she and co-writer DIXSON were nominated for Best Original Song for the song "Be Alive" from the biographical drama "King Richard" at the 94th Academy Awards.

Oprah Winfrey

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She is a proponent of the Law of Attraction and one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in the US. Oprah believed and behaved as though she had already achieved success before she even received her first significant salary, as opposed to attributing her success to hard work and good fortune. "Create the highest, grandest vision for your life that you can, because you become what you believe," she advised. Your mental habits shape the reality you experience.

Will Smith

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Smith firmly believes in the universe's power and our capacity to decide who we want to be. We both firmly think that the universe contains physical manifestations of our thoughts, feelings, dreams, and ideas, he remarked. We can provide a physical push toward realisation into the universe if we commit ourselves to what we imagine in our minds and dream about. that nothing in the cosmos will try to force us around. that the world, people, and circumstances are not going to force us around. That the cosmos will change into what we wish it to be by our commands and demands.

Jim Carrey

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This comedian imagined directors becoming interested in him. Additionally, he made himself a check for $10 million for acting, which he promised to cash on Thanksgiving 1995. It was successful days before. He declared: "I assigned myself three years and issued myself a check for $10 million for acting services provided. I marked it with the date Thanksgiving 1995 and put it in my wallet, where it continued to decay. Then, shortly before Thanksgiving 1995, I learned that "Dumb and Dumber" would bring in $10 million".

माँ तुम भी गलत हो सकती हो - Poetry by Anamika Joshi

Write a letter to your mom and tell her to re-initiate something that she has stop doing, tell her to live her dreams, tell her to live once again, tell her to make mistakes.


Tell your mom that she can also make mistakes, she can also be wrong, she can also be human, like all of us.

Final message from S Harpal Singh Banga - July 23, 2022

Our dearest Mama ji left for heavenly abode on August 31, 2022. Following is his last message that he shared on one of the common WhatsApp group:

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क्या आप जानते हैं कि आपके अंतिम संस्कार के बाद आम तौर पर क्या होता है?

कुछ ही घंटों में रोने की आवाज पूरी तरह से बंद हो जाएगी।

रिश्तेदारों के लिए होटलों से खाना मंगवाने में जुटेगा परिवार..

पोते दौड़ते और खेलते रहेंगे।

कुछ पुरुष सोने से पहलेआपके बारे में कुछ संवेदनात्मक टिप्पणी करेंगे!

कोई रिश्तेदार आपकी बेटी से फोन पर बात करेगा कि आपात स्थिति के कारण वह व्यक्तिगत रूप से नहीं आ पा रहा है।

अगले दिन रात के खाने में, कुछ रिश्तेदार कम हो जाते हैं, और कुछ लोग सब्जी में पर्याप्त नमक नहीं होने की शिकायत करते हैं।

भीड़ धीरे धीरे छंटने लगेगी..

आने वाले दिनों में
कुछ कॉल आपके फोन पर बिना यह जाने आ सकती हैं कि आप मर चुके हैं।

आपका कार्यालय या दुकान आपकी जगह लेने के लिए किसी को ढूंढने में जल्दबाजी करेगा।

दो सप्ताह में आपका बेटा और बेटी अपनी आपातकालीन छुट्टी खत्म होने के बाद काम पर लौट आएंगे।

महीने के अंत तक आपका जीवनसाथी भी कोई कॉमेडी शो देख कर हंसने लगेगा।

सबका जीवन सामान्य हो जाएगा
जिस तरह एक बड़े पेड़ के सूखे पत्ते में और जिसके लिए आप जीते और मरते हैं, उसमें कोई अंतर नहीं है, यह सब इतनी आसानी से, इतनी तेजी से, बिना किसी हलचल के होता है।

आपको इस दुनिया में आश्चर्यजनक गति से भुला दिया जाएगा।

इस बीच आपकी प्रथम वर्ष पुण्यतिथि भव्य तरीके से मनाई जाएगी।

पलक झपकते ही
साल बीत गए और तुम्हारे बारे में बात करने वाला कोई नहीं है।

एक दिन बस पुरानी तस्वीरों को देखकर आपका कोई करीबी आपको याद कर सकता है,

मुझे अभी बताओ...

लोग आपको आसानी से भूलने का इंतजार कर रहे हैं
फिर आप किसके लिए दौड़ रहे हो? 
और आप किसके लिए चिंतित हैं?

अपने जीवन के अधिकांश भाग के लिए 80% आप इस बारे में सोचते हैं कि आपके रिश्तेदार और पड़ोसी आपके बारे में क्या सोचते हैं। क्या आप उन्हें संतुष्ट करने के लिए जीवन जी रहे हैं? जो किसी काम का नहीं !

जिंदगी एक बार ही मिलती है, बस इसे जी भर के जी लो…. हां एक बात और अपनी क्षमता के अनुसार किसी जरुरतमंद की सहायता प्रेम पूर्वक जरूर करना, वह आपको हमेशा याद रखेगा।
अहंकार छोड़िये अपने होने का,
नेक कर्म करते रहिये,
यही है जिन्दगी।🙏
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Comedian Raju Srivastava passes away in Delhi at the age of 58

The comedian died at 10.20 am, after 41 days of hospitalisation. The 58-year-old stand-up comedian suffered a heart attack while he was working out at a gymnasium.

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कॉमेडियन राजू श्रीवास्तव का निधन, अरविंद केजरीवाल ने दी श्रद्धांजलि

दुनिया में इतना बदल जाओ कि लोग हैरान हो जाएँ | Lord Krishna's Motivational Speech

Krishna advises Arjuna about the nature of life, ethics, and morality when one is faced with a war between good and evil, the impermanence of matter, the permanence of the soul and the good, duties and responsibilities, the nature of true peace and bliss and the different types of yoga to reach this state of bliss and inner liberation. This conversation between Krishna and Arjuna is presented as a discourse called the Bhagavad Gita.


The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita 'The Song by God' often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of book 6 of the Mahabharata called the Bhishma Parva), dated to the second half of the first millennium BCE and is typical of the Hindu synthesis. It is considered to be one of the holy scriptures for Hinduism.

99% of the World's Population will be in the Sun, Simultaneously!

Once a year, for a rare moment at 7:15 AM EDT on July 8th, 99% of the world's population will be in the Sun. About 6.4 billion people in the daytime, while more than 1.2 billion people experience twilight. How cool is that!

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About 7.7 billion people — roughly 99% of us — on the side of the planet illuminated by the sun. Over 6.4 billion of them are in the daytime, while more than 1.2 billion people experience the twilight.

So, with 83% of us getting direct sunlight and another 16% getting indirect sunlight, the claims are, in one way, correct. And, before we go any further, let us say that this alone is a fascinating fact and a great find!