99% of the World's Population will be in the Sun, Simultaneously!

Once a year, for a rare moment at 7:15 AM EDT on July 8th, 99% of the world's population will be in the Sun. About 6.4 billion people in the daytime, while more than 1.2 billion people experience twilight. How cool is that!

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About 7.7 billion people — roughly 99% of us — on the side of the planet illuminated by the sun. Over 6.4 billion of them are in the daytime, while more than 1.2 billion people experience the twilight.

So, with 83% of us getting direct sunlight and another 16% getting indirect sunlight, the claims are, in one way, correct. And, before we go any further, let us say that this alone is a fascinating fact and a great find!