Omicron is a seasonal cold virus, but the government's response to it is more dangerous

A US-based cardiologist described the latest strain Omicron as nothing more than a seasonal cold virus at a time when the world is fighting the epidemic. The cardiologist also urged against overreaction and overreach by government authorities around the world, in an effort to lessen hysteria and misinformation around the Omicron variant.


Snowfall in Saudi Arabia - on New Year, 2022

Saudi Arab में जमकर हुई Snowfall, ख़ूब शेयर हो रहे Video

साल के पहले दिन सऊदी अरब के उत्तर-पश्चिमी शहर ताबुक में जमकर बर्फ़बारी हुई है. सोशल मीडिया पर इसका वीडियो ख़ूब शेयर किया जा रहा है. ताबुक क्षेत्र के पास अल-लॉज़ पर्वत पर लोग पर बर्फ़ का आनंद ले रहे हैं. सऊदी के सरकारी न्यूज़ एजेंसी एसपीए ने बर्फ़ की चादरों से ढकी कारों की तस्वीरे पोस्ट की हैं. वीडियो में लोग बर्फ़ का लुत्फ उठाते दिख रहे हैं. जबल अल-लावज़, अल-दाहेर और अल्क़ान पर्वत ढँक गए हैं. सऊदी अरब का यह उत्तरी हिस्सा पर्यटकों के बीच काफ़ी लोकप्रिय है.

On the first day of the year, there has been a lot of snowfall in the northwestern city of Tabuk in Saudi Arabia. Its video is being shared a lot on social media. People enjoy the snow on Mount Al-Loz, near the Tabuk region. Saudi state news agency SPA posted pictures of cars covered in sheets of snow. In the video, people are seen enjoying the snow. The Jabal al-Lawz, al-Daher and Alqan mountains are covered. This northern part of Saudi Arabia is very popular among tourists.

For the first time in history, a spacecraft has touched the Sun

The spacecraft is traveling at a breakneck speed of almost 500,000 kilometers per hour that is 320,000mph. The plan is to go in and out quickly, with a suite of sensors deployed from behind a large heat shield to measure the solar environment.

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the latest achievement is a huge step forward for the Parker Solar Probe and a giant leap forward for solar science. Touching the very stuff the Sun is made of will help scientists uncover crucial knowledge about our closest star and its influence on the solar system, just as landing on the Moon allowed scientists to understand how it was formed.

Reason why Parking is Free in Belgium

This young girl discloses the big secret of 'Free Parking' across the streets of Brussels.


An open-hearted and carefree speech!

Real Fun on the Bike - quite fantastic

True friendship reflects in the sharing the available resource, wholeheartedly!


Wonderful video for an enjoyable watch!!

From pants to skirt: cutting clothes on yourself

Cut and save a torn garment


Can you make a DIY skirt? See yourself here 😉! In this video by Fabiosa, you'll find a fantastic clothes transformation that happened right on the street. This clothing makeover saved a girl 👩 in an emergency situation when she ripped her pants 👖 when walking outside. Check out this emergency DIY fashion, and maybe it can save you one day too!

Here's what James Webb will snap first

The James Webb Space Telescope is a space telescope developed and launched by NASA on December 24, 2021 with contributions from the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 and played an integral role in the Apollo program.