The lawmaker from Gopamau in Hardoi, Shyam Prakash, wrote on his Facebook page, "Whoever complains about corruption to higher officials gets involved in it and tries to earn money. Corruption seems to be a never ending thing now." This is not the first time Prakash has questioned this government. In April, he had alleged misuse of the Vidhayak Nidhi (Legislator's Fund). He had even written to the chief development officer (CDO) of Hardoi, requesting his contribution of Rs 25 lakh from the fund — for purchasing masks, PPE, sanitisers, and other equipment — be returned to him. "As a public representative it is my right to know what happened with that money," he had written to the CDO.
| The Opposition's case for holding virtual meetings of parliamentary committees weakened significantly with most of its newly elected MPs attending the oath-taking ceremony on Wednesday. Of the 61 newly elected members of the Rajya Sabha, 45 were administered the oath of office by Chairman M ... |