Raja Park, Jaipur: Flag March of Police during Coronavirus Lockdown

An amateur video make by a resident of Raja Park, Jaipur during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

5-year-old Tik Tok sensation teams up with Punjab CM to spread social distancing message

According The Tribune, a 5-year-old Tik Tok sensation from Moga, Noorpreet Kaur (Noor), has made it to the popularity charts with her amusing her one-liners and is helping the Punjab Government ensure social distancing amid the COVID-19 lockdown through her videos.
Noor is the daughter of a daily wage earner from Bhinder Kalan village in Moga. 


Here’s a marketing lesson: shareworthy Instagram post

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Here’s a marketing lesson: For my casino business I used to shoot commercials in Hollywood and hired celebs to appear in them. I worked with Dan Bilzerian, Paris Hilton and Verne Troyer. In the final commercial we made, we spent $1m on production. We rented this huge estate in Pasadena, bought this small boat for Verne, rented Lamborghini’s, Rolls’, we had real live tigers, dancers, half a private jet interior brought to the set on a truck, used @unistudios back lot for the stage element and licensed MC Hammer’s “You can’t touch this” as the sound track. The commercial was amazing, probably the best to appear on UK TV, certainly in the gaming space. BUT - it failed. In all the time we had been doing commercials we always had our offer major in it or made it very product focused. We became complacent feeling our fame would carry us through and we’d sign thousands of new customers - we didn’t. We had to chop the commercial up into 10 second spots and deliver it with an offer message but it didn’t really work so we reverted to our old creative. Lesson learned : stay on point with your marketing message. Make the product, offer and differentiation clear and centre. Leave the big brandy stuff to Nike ! Oh and try not to let your ego write the cheques 😂 #businesslessons

A post shared by Richard S. 🇬🇧🇺🇸 (@rich.skel) on

Learn Capitals of the States from a 3 years old girl

She is ought to be bright star in coming years. God bless her!

Doctor's POWERFUL HEARTFELT Testimony To USDA Dietary Guidelines 2020

 Many thanks to Dr Brooke Goldner, M.D. for this powerful testimony.

As per her research and experience, it's very important for us to exclude animal products from our routine diet.

Germany reports new infections accelerating exponentially after early steps to ease its lockdown

Germany reported on Monday, May 11, 2020 that new coronavirus infections were accelerating exponentially after early steps to ease its lockdown, news that sounded a global alarm even as businesses opened from Paris hair salons to Shanghai Disneyland.

Reuters has confirmed that Germany sees surge of COVID-19 infections as restrictions ease.

Seeing these for the first time

In our present world, for the first time in our lives, we have seen the following:

a) A complete lockdown of countries globally 

b) Zero Economic Activity in many sectors 

c) Oil Prices going below zero 

d) 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment which is approximately 20% of their workforce. Similar credible data is not available for India, but we can see similar or worse trends here. 

e) We are seeing the biggest central bank and government fiscal interventions worldwide. In the US, the first set of monetary and fiscal stimulus was around $4.3 Trillion which is around 124% of their government revenue in 2019 (and more is coming). We have seen negligible fiscal stimulus in India so far and everyone has been waiting for announcements for the last several weeks. 

f) Escalation of geo-political tensions (US and China) or Oil Wars (Saudi Arabia and Russia). US and other countries are going after China as the cause of Coronavirus (generated in their Wuhan Lab). 

g) Disruption in supply chains leading to shortages of supply for products everywhere and now demand side crisis because of the economic impact. 

This means we have a pandemic, an equity market crisis, oil market crisis, bond market crisis, a currency crisis in the making, a supply and demand side crisis all at the same time. 

In short, the world is changing at a faster pace than ever before. A few months back words such as contact tracing, social distancing and flattening the curve were not even a part of our vocabulary.