Korea-India Connection: How an Indian Princess United Two Nations

Image courtesy: HT, India

Kim Chil-su from South Korea, a member of the Queen Heo dynasty is also invited for the innauguration of Lord Rama Temple in Ayodha, India.

The Economic Times reported that Queen Heo, also called Suriratna, was the beloved princess of Ayodhya. According to historical accounts, she traveled to Korea, wed King Suro in 48 AD, and is revered in both India and South Korea. Queen Heo's husband, King Suro, founded the Karak dynasty in 42 AD.

According to legend, King Suro was looking for a queen, and in their dream, a voice told Queen Heo's parents to take their daughter to Geumgwan Gaya. In response to the guidance in the dream, the parents sent their daughter to see King Suro on a boat bearing gifts. The princess and the king eventually got married after they met.