These Activities may Increase your chances of contracting COVID

A lot of activities are still risky & can increase your chances of contracting the CoVid-19 virus.

Training at a Gymnasium: this may double your chances to get the infection as this is the place where people touch a lot of surfaces; they sweat slot and breathe a lot!

Visiting Crowded Places: this is a communicable disease. Therefore, going to a place full of people may certainly increase your chances of getting the infection.

Travelling Distances: you must restrict your travels as the variants are continuously emerging, globally.

Shopping in Markets/ Malls: you will be prone to get the disease if you indulge yourself more in this fun-filled activity. Avoid during pandemics as most of the places are over crowded.

Dining in a Restaurant: you are at risk of being exposed to the infection, once eat at a restaurant - as people are not wearing a mask.

Meeting Relatives & Friends Indoors: you will be putting yourself at risk if you are not vaccinated yet and spending time indoors.