How to Keep a "Hookup", a Hookup

"Hookup culture" is a thing that is constantly derided—because damn it, everything Millennials do must be judged and found lacking! But I think that as long as all parties involved communicate openly about what they want (or in this case DON'T want—a relationship), hooking up is fantastic. If you're young and single this is your chance to experiment and discover what you like and don't like. Once you settle down, you're in it until death (or divorce, which feels like death when you're going through it.) The biggest thing is to know what you want and fearlessly communicate it. If you're looking for a relationship, state that up front. If you're not, say so. After that, it's all a matter of keeping your feelings in check. Because once you start hooking up with the same person, multiple times, things can get confusing, and people get hurt.