Coronavirus Being Airborne Big Concern, Ventilation Key: AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria

In Conversation With Dr Randeep Guleria: All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) chief Dr Randeep Guleria said one N95 mask worn properly is good enough protection against Covid. However, two cloth masks or surgical masks are now recommended for better protection. Dr Guleria stressed that the mask must form a seal around the nose to be effective, adding that the bigger concern is Covid being airborne and therefore, ventilation is key.


The virus is targeting young people, children, elders as well. Situation is vulnerablenow. So, stay safe & take care of your loved ones.

Amitabh Bachchan narrates a heartwarming poem - Manobal

 Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan narrates a heartwarming poem titled "Manobal"


दुनियाभर में वैश्विक महामारी बनकर फैले कोरोना वायरस का प्रकोप दिनों दिन बढ़ता जा रहा है, जिसके चलते देश लाॅकडाउन है। मरीजों की संख्या लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है। सार्वजनिक जुटान और भीड़-भाड़ से परहेज करते हुए अपने घरों में रहना ही इस बीमारी से बचाव का तरीका है। ऐसे में इंटरनेट ही वह माध्यम है जिसके रास्ते आप लोगों तक पहुंच सकते हैं और तरह-तरह से लोगों का मनोबल बढ़ा सकते हैं। इस बीच महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन ने कुछ प्रेरणादायक काव्य पंक्तियां अपने सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट पर शेयर की हैं।

"Supposed To Give Life...We Can't Even Give Oxygen": Doctor Breaks Down in Delhi, India

Some of the biggest hospitals in Delhi have over the past few days suffered the worst of the mayhem caused by the second wave of COVID-19. Conditions are equally deplorable, if not worse, in the smaller medical facilities of the National Capital Territory where the oxygen shortage crisis has turned nightmarish. So much so that one distraught senior doctor today broke down on camera while talking about his patients' precarious situation and having to discharge many of them out of turn.



World Renowned American Doctor Faheem Younus Answers All Your Covid Questions in Hindi

Dr. Faheem is a great doc. Thanks for getting him on. Very balanced, logical, thought provoking, practical advise from him. Arfa has conducted the interview.


Most informative interview I have listened since the inception of Corona times. Kudos to Arfa & Dr. Faheem. A great doctor with the voice of sanity and conviction.

Coronavirus India: These five tips are very special for eating and eating during the Corona times.

Many things are changing in this era of Covid-19 epidemic. The functioning, from cleanliness to eating and eating habits, is included in the same changing things. The issue of health and especially food and hygiene has suddenly come up quite a lot in the priority of the people. It is not that these things did not happen in the preference of the people before. Yes, it was definitely that food and hygiene was a matter of our way of life, in which preference and preference were given to the likes and dislikes. These days some people are worried about whether the disease of Covid-19 is spread by food and drink also?


कोविड-19 की महामारी के इस दौर में कई चीज़ें बदल रही हैं. कामकाज, साफ़-सफ़ाई से लेकर खान-पान के तौर-तरीक़े, उन्हीं बदलती चीज़ों में शामिल है. लोगों की प्राथमिकता में स्वास्थ्य और ख़ासकर खान-पान और स्वच्छता का मुद्दा अचानक से काफ़ी ऊपर आ गया है. ऐसा नहीं है कि पहले लोगों की प्राथमिकता में ये चीज़ें नहीं हुआ करती थीं. हां, ये ज़रूर था कि खान-पान और स्वच्छता हमारे जीवन-शैली की वो बात थी, जिसमें पसंद-नापसंद को ज़्यादा तरजीह दी जाती थी. इन दिनों कुछ लोग इस बात को लेकर चिंतिंत हैं कि क्या कोविड-19 की बीमारी खाने-पीने की चीज़ों से भी फैलती है?

America gives blow to India, India says - USA's attitude is beyond comprehension

The US has put India on the watch list of 'currency manipulators'. On this, the Government of India reacted on Tuesday and said that no logic of this is understandable. India's Commerce Secretary Anoop Wadhawan told reporters, "I have not understood any economic logic of this." He said that the Central Reserve Bank collects money according to market forces.


India May See 5 Lakh Cases: 3K Deaths a Day by May 1, 2021; 8-10 L Daily Cases Mid-May — Bhramar Mukherjee

In an interview that will frighten people and perhaps unnerve the government, one of America's most highly regarded epidemiologists and biostatisticians has said mathematical projections she has done suggest India could have 500,000 daily Covid cases and 3000 daily Covid deaths by the 1st of May. However, Prof Bhramar Mukherjee has told Karan Thapar in a 28 mt interview for The Wire, which will go up on The Wires website by 9-10 pm today (22/4), that in terms of infections the peak will come in mid-May when India could see 8-10 lakh daily infections and in terms of deaths the peak will be two weeks later in end May when India could expect 4500 daily deaths.