India May See 5 Lakh Cases: 3K Deaths a Day by May 1, 2021; 8-10 L Daily Cases Mid-May — Bhramar Mukherjee

In an interview that will frighten people and perhaps unnerve the government, one of America's most highly regarded epidemiologists and biostatisticians has said mathematical projections she has done suggest India could have 500,000 daily Covid cases and 3000 daily Covid deaths by the 1st of May. However, Prof Bhramar Mukherjee has told Karan Thapar in a 28 mt interview for The Wire, which will go up on The Wires website by 9-10 pm today (22/4), that in terms of infections the peak will come in mid-May when India could see 8-10 lakh daily infections and in terms of deaths the peak will be two weeks later in end May when India could expect 4500 daily deaths.


Let’s countdown to the Oscars - April 25, 2021

Let’s countdown to the Oscars - April 25, 2021

India is being ravaged by a second wave of Covid-19, with the death toll hitting over 2,000 people in just the past 24 hours.

The surge in infections has overwhelmed the country's hospitals, creating a shortage of supplies including beds and drugs.

At this hospital in Delhi, families are struggling to save their loved ones due to an acute lack of oxygen supply.

India is being ravaged by a second wave of CoVid-19

India is being ravaged by a second wave of Covid-19, with the death toll hitting over 2,000 people in just the past 24 hours.

The surge in infections has overwhelmed the country's hospitals, creating a shortage of supplies including beds and drugs.

At this hospital in Delhi, families are struggling to save their loved ones due to an acute lack of oxygen supply.

Immunity Boosting Daily Diet during CoVid times by Dr. Hansaji

With the spread of CORONA Virus fear, it becomes essential to be aware of the truth and possible rumors. Dr. Hansaji Yogendra states essential diet and gives some simple everyday tips to prevent any infection.


Modi Leadership Style Main Reason for India's COVID Mishandling; He's a Megalomaniac — RamachandraGuha

In a hard-hitting and sharply critical interview, one of India's most highly regarded historians and widely read political commentators have said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership style is the principal reason for India's mishandling of the present COVID crisis. Although Ram Guha also blames Modi's "sycophantic cabinet", the country's institutions, including the Supreme Court, which has let down the country and the yes-men officials and bureaucrats who Modi has surrounded himself with, he says the main blame and responsibility rests squarely on the Prime Minister's shoulders.

In a 30 minute interview with Karan Thapar for The Wire Ram Guha delivered a further sting in the tail when he asked the question 'can Modi change?' and 'will his personality allow that? ' and answered by saying Modi would have to become like Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray who has deliberately and successfully moved from the "fascist" positions espoused by his father, Bal Thackeray, to become more middle-of-the-road and politically mainstream.

The true test of a leader isn't how they perform in good times — it's how they handle a crisis. Ram hits the nail on the head, but do they
care? The common man, in the end takes the beating.

Government of India did not Prepare for Second Wave despite getting time

कोरोना के मामले बेकाबू होते जा रहे हैं. कांग्रेस महासचिव प्रियंका गांधी (Priyanka Gandhi) ने कोरोना पर वार्ता के दौरान कहा कि  अस्पतालों की हालत खराब है. दवाओं और ऑक्सीजन की भारी किल्लत है. सरकार ने समय मिलने के बावजूद दूसरी लहर के लिए तैयारी नहीं की