Enjoy a good watermelon

Before buying a watermelon, look for a few visible signs that will definitely help you to pick a sweet, watery and roped watermelon.

Watch details here:

Live Frogs Sold From Back Of Pick-Up Truck

Watch this bizarre video of live frog selling (probably in China) after lockdown is over.

Senior Doctors of Delhi paying Obeisances at Gurudwara Sri Bangla Sahib, New Delhi

Scores of senior doctors of Delhi including Dr. D K Sharma (Medical Superintendent, AIIMS), Dr. Rajiv Sood (MS, RML Hospital) and Dr. N N Mathur (Director, Lady Hardinge Medical College) today paid obeisances at Gurdwara Sri Bangla Sahib, New Delhi on May 14, 2020 and thanked the Sikh community for its tireless support to humanity in this tough time caused by global pandemic due to coronvirus, COVID-19.

Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib, Delhi - a sudden Hail Storm

Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib, Delhi faced a sudden Hail Storm on a hot day.

This video was shot on May 14, 2020 in the evening, an hour before the sunset.

Boyfriend's Crazy Hair Bath video of her Girlfriend

This is a must watch video. Very funny and hilarious.

Today we have No Cash, No Hope and No Jobs

This picture fits to the current scenario created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sudden Hail Storms in Karol Bagh, New Delhi


An amateur video of hailstorm in Karol Bagh, New Delhi today in the evening.