The SoundTrack of Travel from Vistara

The sounds you have missed, the sounds you have longed for, the sounds that are all too familiar!
Here's a dose of all of the tunes that makes a journey more memorable. Vistara proudly presents #TheSoundtrackOfTravel, a travel anthem you are sure to get hooked on.

How Easy is to Steal a Royal Enfield Bullet Motor Cycle Bike

For any motorcycle, it takes so less time for a thief to steal it. Watch how they break the handle lock and easily get away with it.

कोई सी भी मोटरसाइकिल हो उसको चुराने में चोर को इतना क वक्त लगता है कैसे हैंडल लॉक तोड़ता है फिर से डायरेक्ट कर स्टार्ट करके चुरा लेता है वीडियो देखें सब पता चल जाएगा

Do you sleep for less than 7.5 hours?

Do you get less than 7.5 hours of sleep per night? It's possible that your life is in jeopardy. Sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of cancer in studies. Sleep deprivation makes you a poor worker and drains your bank account.


Ukraine से India आ रहे Students मोदीजी जिंदाबाद के नारे पर क्यों हो गए खामोश

Ukraine में फंसे Indian Students के रेस्क्यू का ये वीडियो अब काफी वायरल हो रहा है. जिसमें Modi Government की किरकिरी होती दिखाई दे रही है. ये वीडियो देखकर आप कुछ हद तक समझ तो गए होंगे लेकिन अगर नहीं समझे तो हम आपको बताते हैं...दरसल इस वीडियो में मोदीजी के एक मंत्री साहब बच्चों की सकुशल वापसी के लिए मोदी सरकार की वाहवाही कर रहे थे. इस दौरान मोदीजी के मंत्री ने बच्चों से भारत माता की जय के नारे लगवाए... बच्चों ने भी पूरे जोश के साथ भारत माता की जय बोला...लेकिन जैसे ही मंत्री जी ने मोदीजी जिंदाबाद के नारे लगाए... तो सभी बच्चे खामोश हो गए

Indian students trapped between Russia and Ukraine war are able to come to India in installments. Even those who are being brought back, the Indian government is taking credit from them by asking them to cheer for the government. A video of students who came back from Ukraine is going viral on social media.

It was a Fatal Mistake to Tease Ukraine with impossible promises by US, says German politician on Russian invasion

Ukraine's unfair attempt on Russian invasion

Ukraine live TV supposedly filming dead persons killed during the invasion by Russia. However, one of the dead woke up adjusting his/ her posture.

How China did a Trading Global Shift

How China surpassed the United States as the world's largest trading partner

Trade accounted for 59 percent of world GDP in 2018, an increase of roughly 1.5 times since 1980. International trade has changed dramatically over this time period, not only in terms of volume and composition, but also in terms of which countries the rest of the world relies on for their most vital trading connections. Now, the picture is changing dramatically, and you might be surprised to find that China has already surpassed the United States as the world's most powerful trading partner.

A Global Shift in Positions

The Lowy Institute's animation today uses data from the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) database on bilateral trade flows to assess whether the United States or China is the largest trade partner.


Words of Wisdom: Herman Munster's Advice

Just wanted to spread this little quote of wisdom.

PS: This was taken from Season 1 - Episode: Eddie's Nickname.